The food required for a pet differs on the age, gender, breed, type of exercise, (home, working or sport pet) duration of exercise and the overall health condition.
Several diet plans can be provided such as:
– Weight loss diet plans and slow feeding bowls
– Weekly or monthly weight checks can be carried out
- Obesity
- Supplements
- Mother and puppy or kitten food
- Gastrointestinal disease
- Pancreatitis
- Thyroid
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Urinary care
- Diabetes
- Critical care
- Joint mobility
- Diabetes care
- Metabolic care
- Weight loss
- Maintenance after weight loss
- Dermatosis
- Skin/food sensitivities
- Dental care
- Hypoallergenic / Analergenic
Complete nutrition: Complete meal. Includes all necessary nutrients
Complementary food: Not a complete meal, without all necessary nutrient
Percentage of nutrients, main calorific content – To find out whether the percentage of nutrients are high or low according to the pets needs, read the percentages that can be found behind the food bag (Proteins %, Carbohydrates %, Fats %, Fiber%, Vitamins%, Minerals%, Water matter%, dry matter%)
Ingredients – to find out how many rich ingredients are provided in the pet food, read the table behind the food packet
Dry matter and water content – to find out how much dry mater and how much water is in the food, read the table behind the food packet.

Balanced diet